Welcome to my Blog. My name is Henri I'm in my 40's. I'm married to this most wonderful beautiful and loving woman her name is Monika. I miss my Angel Nicole): It has been a real challenge for the last three years since our precious Angel Nicole was called home to be with our Lord. She was our one an only Angel and was just 12 years of age when she was called home. My life was chattered, and I didn't want to go on without her in our life. But by the Grace of God and his Love and the support of Loving and Compassionate friends, Monika and I are still pushing forward. I love to talk about God and the wonderful things he does for us. Sometimes I get so busy with the things of this earthly life that I forget that he is the one directing me. I forget to thank him. I also have my stuggles with God. I have often asked him so many times God were are you! and he awnsered " child i'm right here at your side". He has blessed me with so mamy wonderful friend. He helps me each and every day to put one foot in front of the other. Some days I just dont want to go on, but God helps me get up and go on. It's not easy and its a real chalenge everyday. God willing I will Blog with you again. Henri
hi Henri!!!! welcome to blogging!!! I'm so glad that you decided to create your very own web log. . Its a great way to express yourself, a great way to connect with others and its just great sometimes to write things that are hard to speak.
I'm so glad to be your friend. I love you guys sooo much!!!
What are tear, why do they come running down our cheeks when we are sad or even we are happy. I would like to share this with you. This was rear at a Christmas Memorial at the Coping Cetre by a wonderful caring an loving soul. TEARS
Those tiny drops of humanity. Those round wet balls of fluid, thattumble from our eyes, creep down our cheeks and splash on the floor of our hearts' They are miniature messengers on call twenty-four hours a day, to substitute for crippled words. They drip drop and pour from the corner of our souls, carrying with them the deepest emotions we possess. They tumble down our faces with announcement that range from the most blissful joy to the darkest despair. There Principle is Simple When words are most empty, TEARS are apt. A TEAR stain on a letter says much more than th sum of all its words A TEAR falling on a casket says what a spoken farewell never could. What summons a parent's compassion and concern more quckly than a TEAR on a child's cheek? What gives more support than a sympathetic TEAR on the face of a friend? Words fail---they fail miserablt. What word could have been uttered? What phrase could have possibly expressed our feelings or the feelings of those involved in our loss? The Task my Friend, was Left for the TEARS. What do you do when words don't come, when all the nouns and the verbs lay deflated at your feet, with what do you communicate? When even the loftiest statement stumble, what do you do? Are you one of the fortunate who isn't ashamed to let a TEAR take over? Can you be so happy that your eyes water and your throat swells? Can you be so proud that your pupils blur and your vision mists? And in sorrow do you let TEARS decompress that tight chest and untie thay knot in your throat?
Some of us re-route our TEARS and let them only fall on the inside. We are known as the private criers.
I'm sharing this with you just to let specially the men out there Hey is ok to show your TEARS even if to were brought up with that famost saying BIG BOY DON"T CRY. I was one of those private criers but know I cry on the outside also because I what the world to know that I LONE
I didn't even have time to re-read my last blog TEARS for so unknown reason I was almost finished when it disapeared on me and there it was posted unfinished.
My tears posting ending was to be this:
I was one of those private criers but now I cry on the outside also because I want the world to know that I LOVE and MISS my ANGEL NICOLE+ SO VERY MUCH!!! And there are no word to express it so I give the task to TEARS
I'm so proud of myself last fridat I finished reading the hold New Testament. I've attemted it before but never finished but this time I did it. Now I'm working on the Old testament and hope to finish it by Christmas. Then I will have read the hold bible in 3 mouths. For me that would be amazing.
Here I am sitting at my computer with tears running down my cheeks, my hear aching, my insides sceaming WHY GOD WHY.Its been three years now that my wife Monika and I have lost our precious and sooooooo LOVED angel Nicole. All we have left to do now is to beautify her site in her honour. But for three years some cold hearted, sick and satan driven sodier or soldiers will not allow us to do this. Everytime we put something there for Nicole that satan soldier or soldiers take it they stand there on our daugthers grave and rob her. We always ask GOD to protect her site and the other site but even with our prayers Nicole's site get vandalize everytime. I'm so tiered of this cruel and unloving world we live in. What kind of sick people would stand on a childs grave and steal the thing her MoM and Dad would put there in her honour. My head is spinning, my heart shatered. I'm so angry at God for not answering my prayers or for not giving us answers WHY WHY WHY what have we done the only thing we've done is lose the most precious gift he has ever given us and now he doesn't answer my (our) cries WHERE ARE YOU GOD WE ARE CALLING OUT TO YOU!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE HEPL US.
I dont know if he cant hear my cries maybe he'll read my blog.
I know peple say why do you still put things there if they keep taking them and it causes you so much pain. Its all we have left to do. I wish God would call me home so I wouldn't have to live in this sick satan driven world. Then I can talk to him one on one. Than go running in Heavens garden with my beautiful angel Nicole. Why do I have to live here in this SATAN driven world it make me sick I WANT TO GO HOME.
Henri. . God hears you and He reads your blog too, by the way, everytime someone who knows him reads it. He still needs you and Moni here. I know you often don't want to be here any more, but so many people still need you both. Your families need you and your friends do too. People who haven't even met you yet need you. Coping needs you. Work needs you. People you work with need you. Your neighbours need you. Your wife needs you. You will be one on on with God in Heaven some day, but right now, you can one on one with him here, on earth - you don't have to wait for that. Just show up and sit with him, or cry or talk, or yell, He'll be there. Don't give up. If it would help you to meet with others who know him, and talk to him together. . why don't we do that?
I think that you should save your special things for the memory garden in your own backyard and at Coping because you know that people will most likely continue to steal periodically from Preston. . They just will because. . . i don't know why?! just because they can. Its not right and its not fair. It just is what it is. This world is fallen and there's a lot of wrong. No matter what anyone takes, they can't take your daughter's love, or her memory from you, nor can they take your love for her. They can't diminish it, or cancel it out. Things are just things - they aren't special. Nicole is special and she's safe in your hearts and in your minds and always will be. When its your time you will go to be where she is. We all will. You know all that, of course. . i just want to say it to you. I hate that you guys have to suffer pain and loss. I love you both.
You're awesome! I can't say I've read through the whole bible in 3 months!
My verse of the day says "God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start...God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes." Psalm 18:20,24 (the Message)
I wish my love for God was 1/2 of what your love for Nicole is. As I see you so broken for your child it makes me wonder how much God's heart aches for His children who have choosen to leave Him.
At 7:15 PM,
LostSoul said…
Hello Friends:
Welcome to my Blog.
My name is Henri I'm in my 40's. I'm married to this most wonderful beautiful and loving woman her name is Monika.
I miss my Angel Nicole): It has been a real challenge for the last three years since our precious Angel Nicole was called home to be with our Lord. She was our one an only Angel and was just 12 years of age when she was called home. My life was chattered, and I didn't want to go on without her in our life. But by the Grace of God and his Love and the support of Loving and Compassionate friends, Monika and I are still pushing forward.
I love to talk about God and the wonderful things he does for us. Sometimes I get so busy with the things of this earthly life that I forget that he is the one directing me. I forget to thank him.
I also have my stuggles with God. I have often asked him so many times God were are you! and he awnsered " child i'm right here at your side".
He has blessed me with so mamy wonderful friend. He helps me each and every day to put one foot in front of the other. Some days I just dont want to go on, but God helps me get up and go on. It's not easy and its a real chalenge everyday.
God willing I will Blog with you again.
At 8:02 PM,
kathryn said…
hi Henri!!!! welcome to blogging!!! I'm so glad that you decided to create your very own web log. . Its a great way to express yourself, a great way to connect with others and its just great sometimes to write things that are hard to speak.
I'm so glad to be your friend. I love you guys sooo much!!!
At 5:45 PM,
LostSoul said…
What are tear, why do they come running down our cheeks when we are sad or even we are happy.
I would like to share this with you. This was rear at a Christmas Memorial at the Coping Cetre by a wonderful caring an loving soul.
Those tiny drops of humanity.
Those round wet balls of fluid, thattumble from our eyes, creep down our cheeks and splash on the floor of our hearts'
They are miniature messengers on call twenty-four hours a day, to substitute for crippled words.
They drip drop and pour from the corner of our souls, carrying with them the deepest emotions we possess.
They tumble down our faces with announcement that range from the most blissful joy to the darkest despair.
There Principle is Simple
When words are most empty, TEARS are apt.
A TEAR stain on a letter says much more than th sum of all its words
A TEAR falling on a casket says what a spoken farewell never could.
What summons a parent's compassion and concern more quckly than a TEAR on a child's cheek?
What gives more support than a sympathetic TEAR on the face of a friend?
Words fail---they fail miserablt.
What word could have been uttered?
What phrase could have possibly expressed our feelings or the feelings of those involved in our loss?
The Task my Friend, was Left for the TEARS.
What do you do when words don't come, when all the nouns and the verbs lay deflated at your feet, with what do you communicate?
When even the loftiest statement stumble, what do you do?
Are you one of the fortunate who isn't ashamed to let a TEAR take over?
Can you be so happy that your eyes water and your throat swells?
Can you be so proud that your pupils blur and your vision mists?
And in sorrow do you let TEARS decompress that tight chest and untie thay knot in your throat?
Some of us re-route our TEARS and let them only fall on the inside. We are known as the private criers.
I'm sharing this with you just to let specially the men out there Hey is ok to show your TEARS even if to were brought up with that famost saying BIG BOY DON"T CRY.
I was one of those private criers but know I cry on the outside also because I what the world to know that I LONE
At 5:55 PM,
LostSoul said…
I didn't even have time to re-read my last blog TEARS for so unknown reason I was almost finished when it disapeared on me and there it was posted unfinished.
My tears posting ending was to be this:
I was one of those private criers but now I cry on the outside also because I want the world to know that I LOVE and MISS my ANGEL NICOLE+ SO VERY MUCH!!! And there are no word to express it so I give the task to TEARS
Miss You and LOVE You alway Nicole
At 9:18 PM,
kathryn said…
that's very beautiful, Henri! Thanx for sharing that. Its so well written. Tears are all that.
At 3:14 PM,
LostSoul said…
I'm so proud of myself last fridat I finished reading the hold New Testament. I've attemted it before but never finished but this time I did it. Now I'm working on the Old testament and hope to finish it by Christmas. Then I will have read the hold bible in 3 mouths. For me that would be amazing.
At 4:21 PM,
kathryn said…
YAY!!! Congratulations, Henri!!! That's fantastic! I'm sooo proud of you!
At 10:01 AM,
LostSoul said…
Heartbroken Again:
Here I am sitting at my computer with tears running down my cheeks, my hear aching, my insides sceaming WHY GOD WHY.Its been three years now that my wife Monika and I have lost our precious and sooooooo LOVED angel Nicole. All we have left to do now is to beautify her site in her honour. But for three years some cold hearted, sick and satan driven sodier or soldiers will not allow us to do this. Everytime we put something there for Nicole that satan soldier or soldiers take it they stand there on our daugthers grave and rob her.
We always ask GOD to protect her site and the other site but even with our prayers Nicole's site get vandalize everytime.
I'm so tiered of this cruel and unloving world we live in. What kind of sick people would stand on a childs grave and steal the thing her MoM and Dad would put there in her honour.
My head is spinning, my heart shatered. I'm so angry at God for not answering my prayers or for not giving us answers WHY WHY WHY what have we done the only thing we've done is lose the most precious gift he has ever given us and now he doesn't answer my (our) cries WHERE ARE YOU GOD WE ARE CALLING OUT TO YOU!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE HEPL US.
I dont know if he cant hear my cries maybe he'll read my blog.
I know peple say why do you still put things there if they keep taking them and it causes you so much pain. Its all we have left to do.
I wish God would call me home so I wouldn't have to live in this sick satan driven world. Then I can talk to him one on one. Than go running in Heavens garden with my beautiful angel Nicole.
Why do I have to live here in this SATAN driven world it make me sick I WANT TO GO HOME.
Please God answer me
At 11:36 PM,
kathryn said…
Henri. . God hears you and He reads your blog too, by the way, everytime someone who knows him reads it. He still needs you and Moni here. I know you often don't want to be here any more, but so many people still need you both. Your families need you and your friends do too. People who haven't even met you yet need you. Coping needs you. Work needs you. People you work with need you. Your neighbours need you. Your wife needs you. You will be one on on with God in Heaven some day, but right now, you can one on one with him here, on earth - you don't have to wait for that. Just show up and sit with him, or cry or talk, or yell, He'll be there. Don't give up. If it would help you to meet with others who know him, and talk to him together. . why don't we do that?
I think that you should save your special things for the memory garden in your own backyard and at Coping because you know that people will most likely continue to steal periodically from Preston. . They just will because. . . i don't know why?! just because they can. Its not right and its not fair. It just is what it is. This world is fallen and there's a lot of wrong. No matter what anyone takes, they can't take your daughter's love, or her memory from you, nor can they take your love for her. They can't diminish it, or cancel it out. Things are just things - they aren't special. Nicole is special and she's safe in your hearts and in your minds and always will be. When its your time you will go to be where she is. We all will. You know all that, of course. . i just want to say it to you. I hate that you guys have to suffer pain and loss. I love you both.
At 12:19 PM,
Sherrill said…
Hey Henri:
You're awesome! I can't say I've read through the whole bible in 3 months!
My verse of the day says
"God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start...God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes." Psalm 18:20,24 (the Message)
I wish my love for God was 1/2 of what your love for Nicole is. As I see you so broken for your child it makes me wonder how much God's heart aches for His children who have choosen to leave Him.
May you sense the arms of God all around you.
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