Lost Soul

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Someone Asked me the other da if I was healed from my child's passing. I asked them to define healed. I asked if someone does heal, are there scars? I asked if the scars has a thin layer of skin, or a thick one. They didn't know what to say. It got me thinking of so many things.

I remember the first few months even the years after my Nicole past away. I wasn't healed. Ididn't have a scar. I had an open bleeding sore that would not begin to heal. But am I healed today? Again, Iwould want the word healed described for a bereaved parent.

I've takled to other parents who lost a child like I have. We discussed what the time has done to us, how we have coped, and how we survived.

Losing a child causes not only inner scars, but outer ones that we try to hide. I still today will get choked up when I see a newly bereaved parent fall apart. It still gets to me when certain days come that I know are going to bring back a lot of memories. For me, memoriesare always just inder the surface of who I am.

Some ask me if holidays, birthdays, ect, are easier now. I still never know when one will hit me and punch my heart and rip open the scar that has not healed yet.

Some tell me they can't go there can't dwell on the past can't put themself in that position. I think to myself no maybe you can't go there you try to forget but I'll never belive any parent does not go there.

For me, I guess the word time would have to come into how I have survived. My Nicole has been gome three years this Sept. I keep saying three years how is that possible? Sometimes I man how can this be three years without Nicol. I think how have I gotten this far down this road? I think about the years I could't control the tears. I think about the the holiday and how I've been so sad. I think of what my life could have been like had she lived. I think about the past, and I think about the future I missed out on and will forever.

So have I healed? If someone can have a tragedy happen in thier lives, and get past the pain and move on and forget what happened, I'd call that healed. Therefore, I guess I have not healed. I can't foget the past. I can't forget the feeling of those little arms hugging my neck and those smoochy kisses when she would say "I LOVE YOU DADDY" "I LOVE YOU BIGGER." I can't forget the Christmas's and the happiness her little face showed when she got something she asked Santa for. I can't forget her birthday and GOD knows, I can't forget the day that she went home.

I once never dreamed I'd live this long with a heart that was not whole anymore. But somehow I have. It's not been easy many times, matter of fact it's been the hardest thing I've ever had to face. But here I am, this old heart getting older day by day, days that it bleeds, days that the scar opens up and taskes days to close back up temporarily.

I lve from day to day, I never use to do that. I use to plan months ahead, look foward to many things in life. But today...when people say "how are you" I reply "I'm alive" Some look at me oddly, and others say" I know what you mean."

I know I will never heal I never want to forget a certain little girl who broutght so much love and happiness into my life. I never want to forget anything about her.

So I will plug on day by day. On the days when it gets hard and I feel like falling down and giving up , I will once again grab on to God's hand pick myself up and put one foot in front of the other and tell myself " God loves you and you still have work to do.


  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger kathryn said…

    wow, Henri. . that was so from the heart. thank you for sharing that. i like how you describe reaching out for God. . putting one foot in front of the other. time does its work. . but i think healing ultimately comes when we are with God. . but it starts happening down here. You're right, God does still have work for you to do! We miss Nicole too. . You and Moni are very dear to us. You know that. . keep writing, and keep sharing. .you never know who you are helping. I think your website is such a great way to help not only you, Moni and your families, but also others who have suffered and grieved too. .


  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger Sherrill said…

    I was told this weekend that the hardest thing in life is to loose a child. Although I've walked beside you over these past few years I still cannot come close to understanding the hurt and pain. All I know is we can't go back to the way it was; all we can do is go forward. My prayer for you is that you will be able to take the past and fully use it for the future. When you reunite with Nicole in heaven I want her to be so proud of her Daddy and how he took this lemon in his life and made it lemonade. I want her to rejoice knowing that her Daddy's love for her and Jesus made this world a better place for the many people she would have personally looked out for if she was still in this world.

    I love you.

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Alexis said…

    Sometimes my response to something I read can stir a lot of thought provoking points. Just as this one has done.

    It has me asking what does the dictionary say for the word

    1. transitive verb cure somebody or something from ailment: to restore a person, body part, or injury to health

    2. intransitive verb be repaired naturally: to be repaired and restored naturally, e.g. by the formation of scar tissue
    The broken bone seems to be healing quite nicely.

    3. transitive verb put something right: to repair or rectify something that causes discord and animosity
    Unless she can heal the rift within her party, she stands little chance in the election.

    4. transitive and intransitive verb recover spiritually or emotionally: to get rid of a wrong, evil, or painful affliction
    After losing his business, he's taken a while to heal.

    And then it has me looking at the definition of Survivor:

    1. somebody who survives: somebody who remains alive despite being exposed to life-threatening danger
    There were no survivors from the plane crash.

    2. somebody with great powers of endurance: somebody who shows a great will to live or a great determination to overcome difficulties and carry on

    3. law inheritor: the one of two or more people having joint interests in property who lives longer than the other or others and is, therefore, entitled to the entire property

    4. psychology somebody overcoming traumatic experience: somebody who has been psychologically damaged by a trauma such as rape or an addiction and seeks to overcome its effects

    When I look at these definitions I would say you both are healed in someways but mostly you are both survivors overcoming a very traumatic experience: by which both of you have been psychologically damaged by the trauma of Nicoles death.

    How can you ever be healed, I personally don't think you can. I personally think you can survive as you both have. You can carry on in life. As I have told you both on many occassions you can take this horrific experience and use it now to help others who are experiencing the same difficult days as you have.

    Thanks for sharing with us and many others who need to read what you are sharing. You have such a huge ministry and are helping so many people in so many ways.

    Love ya always


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