Lost Soul

Thursday, January 12, 2006

We need not walk alone

I wrote this for my Coping Family and Friends Jim/Deb, Rick/Linda, Joe/Joyce Christmas 2003

We Need Not Walk Alone

We need not to walk alone
We are compassionate friends
We reach out to one another with love
With understanding and with hope

Our children have gone home at diffrent times
At diffrent ages and in diffrent ways
In that we bacame united

Your pain became my pain
And my pain became your pain
Your hope became my hope
And my hope became your hope

We are all unique families in our own special ways

Some older, some younger
Some a little farther in their grief
Some still feel grief so fresh and so painful
Some may feel helpless and feel there is no hope

For some of us our strength is in our faith
While some stuggle to find answers
Some are angry, some depress and some feel guilt
But no matter what..............

It is the LOVE of our children that has united us

Though we are still seeking and struggling to build our future
We reach out to one another with love
For it is the Love of our children that keeps us united

We share our pain as well as our joy
We help each other to grieve and to grow
Because we are Copassinate Friends
We need not walk alone


  • At 1:34 PM, Blogger Sherrill said…

    I like what I know as "The World Hunger Grace"
    For food in a world where many walk in hunger, for faith in a world where many walk in fear, for friends in a world where many walk alone; we give you humble thanks dear Lord.

    I can hardly understand the words Jesus spoke; "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted"...yet as I observe; God has placed people around you that can walk with you and help to comfort you. I know, we try to figure it out with our own finite knowledge but we can't because we don't even know all the people and events that God will use to prepare us for His purposes. Oh for the faith to trust He can take all the lemons in our lives and make lemonade. Father, please give us Your eyes to see beyond what we can see ourselves.

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger kathryn said…

    Henri. . you're writing a lot, and i love that you are doing that! Keep it up!!! That's very wonderful that you wrote this for your coping friends as well as for yourself and Moni. I'm sure as they read this. . and as you give them your blog link!!! *wink, wink!* They will be very touched to read it.


  • At 11:56 PM, Blogger Alexis said…

    Henri & Monika I know it is hard for you at times but as I have told you many times over the few years I have known you the Lord is not done with you here on earth.

    He is using this horrific incident in your lives to help other walk through the pain and grief they must go through in order to learn to live and cope with their loss.

    The Lord provided for you the coping centre where you have been touched by many lives and where you have touched many lives with their stories and yours. You all unfortunately have a common bond which you use to help comfort each other, to give each other strength and hope and also to help build your faith.

    So how appropiate this post and post title is "We need not walk alone" You and I know that we do not walk alone, that the Lord is with us and he puts people in our lives when ever we need them to help us through.

    Keep walking in Faith with the Lord and I know one day he will reward you abundantly for this.

    I love you both


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